Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Viking Today...6/15

Today the boys go into Dresden (Dresden Wiki). A population of about 500,000, it's quite a change from Strehla! In WWII, Dresden was firebombed by allied forces and over 90% of the city center was destroyed (Dresden Bombed)

From what I could find, the choir they'll be performing with tonight, the Dresden Kapellknaben (Dresden Kapellknaben) at a fabulous Cathedral (Dresden Hofkirche Picture) that was only fully restored from the bombings in the 1980s. I believe it's located about here:
Church Map

Here's some other interesting pictures I was able to find:
Church Organ
Inside Church

This wiki page is in German... but has some additional pictures of the inside and outside:
German church wiki

If you want to get all fancy, here's a 360 video of the Cathedral and the area at night
(360 video)

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