Saturday, June 28, 2008

Viking Today... 6/28

This update comes at you from Madison Wisconsin. We're on the road for a few days but we brought the laptop and I'll keep updating as I'm able.

Today the boys leave Giessen and head to Grosslittgen. Looks like a few hours in the bus for them:
Giessen to Grosslittgen

Grosslittgen looks to be pretty small. A population just over 1,000 people. I don't even need to mention any more, it's old. First mention in history is in the year 912. The itinerary says they're meeting at the "school by the lake" There's a few little lakes in town. Not sure if any of them have a school by them.

The official site for the city has some good, if small, pictures.

Just outside the city there's an impressive abbey. Abbey Wiki.

Here's the contact address that we've got for the itinerary.

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