Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Viking today... 6/16

Today the boys leave Strehla and go to Hoffenheim. The internet tells
me that it's roughly a 5 hour drive to the south west.
Strehla to Hoffenheim.

Here's a satellite view of the city with a marker placed on the
address in the itinerary:
Hoffenheim map

It's amazingly hard to find any info about Hoffenheim that isn't about
soccer! I see that tomorrow the itinerary says the boys will be
visiting the stadium so I'll put some links in about that tomorrow.

The itinerary says "Willkommenzeremonie im Garten und Grillparty"
Google tells me that "Grillparty" translates to "barbecue". The
wonders of the internet!

I was able to figure out about Hoffenheim, that it was first mentioned
in historical texts in 773. It has a population of about 3,200.

Just for comparison, I found a Minnesota city with a similar
population (Princeton) and took a look at the satellite view with the
same scale. It's amazing how differently our cities are composed. In
the same space that our cities are still popping up housing
developments, they're finishing off one city and starting on a new
Princeton, MN map

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