Thursday, June 19, 2008

Viking Today... 6/20

This morning it sounds like the boys are heading from Sarreguemines to Hambach, France. It looks like a pretty short trip:
Sarreguemines to Hambach, France

Why are the boys going to Hambach?? To visit the Smart Car factory!!
Smart Car Factory

I have to admit, I've been a big fan of these since I first saw them over in the U.K. a few years back. In the Viking update from June 20th Roger calls them "rolling death traps" If you haven't seen them, here's a good picture that shows why a person would get that impression:
Tiny Smart Car

Actually, as they're just being introduced into the US, there's been a flurry of news stories talking about how surprisingly safe they are:
Safe and Small

The American version is actually a little bit bigger than the international version. Before you write it off completely, take note that their full-hybrid is getting nearly 100mpg! (and not available in the US!)

The itinerary says the boys will actually be singing in the cafeteria at the factory and then having lunch there. I'm jealous! Maybe Riley will pack one in his suitcase and bring it home for me!

After the Smart factory, they'll be taking another short hour-or-so jaunt back into Germany to Saarbruecken.
Smart Car Factory to Saarbruecken, Germany

Interesting art on the town hall

Saarbruecken Official Site

Just to show that it's not always so different over there!

Saarbruecken looks to be a pretty big place. 180,000 people. One of the main historical attractions there seems to be the Ludwigskirche.
Outside Ludwigskirche
Inside Ludwigskirche
Ludwigskirche wiki

The itinerary says they'll be having a workshop with Pablo Assante and the
Children’s Choir of the Saarbruecken Opera House but I'm having a heck of a time finding any links or references to the choir or the opera house. It doesn't help that I don't speak German... I could be looking at pictures of it that are clearly captioned... in German!

UPDATE - 9:42
Barb Foster comes to my rescue and adds this info about Pablo Assante the Children's Choir.

Barb writes -

I did do a little research on the Saarbruecken Opera House and the Children's Choir. I found that the Opera House is called the Staatstheater and here is a link that talks about Pablo Assante and the Children's Choir.

Saarländisches Staatstheater

Saarländisches Staatstheater #2

Pablo Assante and the Children's Choir

And here is the rough translation of the caption with the picture.

For all children and adults who love to sing, there is a possibility that the "Theaterspatzen" (for children from seven to nine years) or in the children's choir of the Saarland State Theatre (from ten years) to cooperate.

To the young singers in the children's choir of the Saarland State Theatre to better prepare their demanding tasks, there is the "Theaterspatzen" as Vorchor for younger musically gifted children. He will since October 2007 by Alwin Michael Schronen.

Interested inside for the children's choir, choir director at Pablo Assante reported since the summer of 2007 over the line.

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