Saturday, June 21, 2008

Viking Today... 6/21

Today is National Music Day (Fête de la Musique) in France. It began in France in 1982 and has since spread to all sorts of other European countries. New York celebrated it for the first time in 2007. It emphasizes free music to be created and performed wherever possible. Here's an English description on the official homepage:
About Fête de la Musique

The boys will be visiting the town hall in Sarreguemines and then participating in the music festival by singing a small concert at a podium downtown.
Sarreguemines satellite photo with Pictures

The itinerary says they'll be visiting "pays de Bitche" Roughly translated that means, "countries Bitche" So, taking a little bit of a leap from there, I found a scenic town/area nearby Bitche, France. I'll assume it's something like saying "Lake Country" in Minnesota.

It's a short drive from Sarreguemines
Sarreguemines to Bitche

Here's the site of the official tourist office. It's in English with the oddly translated title, "Let you allure!"
Bitche Regional Tourist Office

Bitche view

One of the most stunning things in the Bitche region that I found from quick searching was The citadel of Bitche.
Aerial view of the citadel
This one really shows how it towers above the town
Elevated citadel

More of the citadel

Aside from the citadel, the hilly country and offers plenty of scenery itself.
Lonely bridge

The itinerary also says they'll be swimming in Bitche. There's a lake to the southeast of town. Maybe they'll be swimming there?
Bitche Satellite View

If anyone has anything to add, go ahead and post it in the comments area below.

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