Friday, July 11, 2008

Viking Today...7/11

This morning the boys have a 10 minute rehearsal to prepare for this afternoon's performance for the jury in category 17, the open Musica Sachra. Both the rehearsal and the performance are in the Mariahilferkirche.

This category doesn't have the same specifications as the one they performed in yesterday. The only guideline is to choose 4 pieces of Christian sacred music.

Yesterday instrument accompaniment was allowed on two of the four pieces and a total time of 20 minutes was allowed. Today's category allows for instrument accompaniment on any/all of the 4 songs but the total time of the music cannot exceed 15 minutes.

The songs Francis has chosen are "Duo Seraphim Clamabant," " O Sacrum Convivium," "Little David Play on Your Harp," and the "Ave Maria" from Eleanor Daley (not the more commonly known one by Franz Schubert).

I found these pictures of the church where they'll perform (each word has a new picture link). If only we had a picture of our boys there...

Also, nothing has been posted for the category the Land of Lakes Choirboys competed in yet, but you can check the results page to see how other choirs have done.

In correspondence news, we got three letters (2 from Riley and 1 from his tour partner) from this last package. Did anyone else get a letter or two?


Anonymous said...

In one of Riley's letters he tells that one of his hosts used the word for homework. It's one of the few words I know in German so he made a point to tell me he heard it.

He also said "the cows have bugged-out eyes and stupid expressions," and that they remind him of giant versions of our dog (a boston terrier with bugged-out eyes and stupid expressions).

In his other letter said the police barracks is, "actually pretty nice. It reminds me of Strehla almost." Later in that letter he tells that he's battling a headache and blames it on the heat of the day (which he says was, "a real scorcher") or the lunch from McDonald's (a restaurant we avoid).

The letter from Riley's tour partner, Joe K, says that he and Riley, "plan to make a youtube vid, a machinima and become famous over the internet." We choir parents can say we "knew them when..." Perhaps we should be getting their autographs now.

Joe's letter also says that he and Riley have found out, "that if you add the words "and stuff" to every sentence you say you sound really dumb." This tour is educational to our boys in so many ways!

VJ said...

Does anyone know what the Roman numerals in the diploma awarded mean? I've been looking at the qualification pdf's listed for the other catagories.

Anonymous said...

I don't know what the Roman numerals mean, but they seem to rank the diploma by points. I assumed the numerals put the diploma winnings in order, largest being highest-point winner.

Anonymous said...

We got 2 letters from Zach on the same day. One was written from France and he talked about swimming at Bitche (we all laughed at that). The second was written in Nuremberg at the police barracks. It sounds like they are having fun with the bus driver, Ronnie. They went to Eagles Nest where Hitler supposedly stayed a lot during the war. The older boys, "13 and up", were possibly going to a concentration camp. I didn't see anything about that in the emails, so I assume they changed their minds. I do feel bad for them eating at McDonalds quite a bit. We don't frequent that fine establishment either.

Anonymous said...

Nick had to let me know he got me some chocolate as I have hinted in every letter that I wanted some. He went on to say that the German Chocolate was 24 euros and the French chocolate was 4 euros. Being the savvy shopper that he is, he got the French chocolate. He assures me that I will like it just as much.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Viking Choir!!!