Thursday, July 10, 2008

Viking Today... 7/10

I can't stop looking at the pictures from the parade. It must be pretty exciting for the boys to be surrounded by so many people who take their music so seriously. One of the things that Francis talked to me about before they left was the wonderful pageantry. I'm really enjoying looking at some of the other choirs:
Girls in green
Girls in red
Nice uniform for hot weather
Some people think our garb is very flag-like. These girls are actually wearing flags.

From the itinerary, it looks like the boys are doing qualification rounds today. I believe they'll be doing the qualification for the children's choir category at the Stadthalle venue.
Another photo
Interior photo
Another interior photo

It's a convention center from what I can tell, so maybe there's multiple choirs performing in different areas... It looks pretty large.

After that, the Musica Sacra qualifications are here: Mariahilferkirche.
Photo #1
Photo #2

Here's some additional info about the church and a few more pictures.

Much to my personal dismay, the satellite imagery for Graz is less than stellar. But, I'm happy to even be able to see anything at all. Graz has a population of nearly 300,000 people. And, as we've come to expect, it's old. The first mention of it being called Graz was back ni 1128, but the settlement dates back to the copper age. Stacy would know better what dates that actually refers to... but the internet tells me that we're talking about dating back to 4,000 BC!

There's apparently a big hill in the middle of Graz called Schlossberg.
Looking down from Schlossberg
Base looking up
Great aerial shot

Some people might point out that Arnold Schwarzenegger is from a village very near Graz... I find it much more interesting that Nikola Tesla studied electrical engineering in Graz in 1875.

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